Role: Secretary & Project Manager
Main role responsibilities
- Keep minutes during meetings (legal requirement)
- Own and maintain Google Drive file organization
- Track progress and follow up with board members about votes, decisions and commitments
- Annual completion of chapter CARE submission (December)
- Ad hoc project management as opportunities arise
- As the primary Chapter administrator:
- Coordinates any requirements involving the chapter’s bylaws and/or articles of incorporation, including notification of meetings
- Ensures the safekeeping of all legal documents
- Ensures accurate contract information for all board members is added to their profiles in Slack
- As a part of strategic planning, sets annual goals for managing chapter administration
Responsibilities as Board Member
- 2 year role
- As a leader in the Chapter, attend 2/3 of Chapter events
- Attend at least 8 of 10 board meetings annually -- most board meetings are virtual
- Recruit and train replacement
- Required: Member of both national ATD and local chapter
Key Collaborators
You'll work with all board members at meetings and most closely with the President and Director, Finance on administrative topics.
What Your Year Looks Like
This role has a relatively constant time commitment throughout the year with workflow related to monthly meetings. Two exceptions include the push to complete chapter CARE requirements in December and ad hoc project work that can pop up.
- Strong written communication skills
- Attention to detail and strong time management
- Build, motivate, and lead chapter volunteers where needed
- Plan, organize, and evaluate activities required by the position